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Arturia MaxtrixBrute
The Matrixbrute is an analog synthesizer and sound designer. It uses three analog oscillators, two of them with sub-oscillators, modifiers and wave shapers. Soundwaves for the MatrixBrute are generated by its three Voltage-Controlled Oscillators (VCOs) while a fourth oscillator produces random noise waveforms. For filtering section contains both the Steiner-Parker multimode filter and the Moog transistor ladder filter. These filters can be applied in parallel or series configuration. The front panel has a huge 16 x 16 matrix that is used for signal routing, sequencing and presets. Sounds are fed into three LFO oscillators for modulation, and there are an array of possibile waveforms and signal processing.
I know this sounds like an advertisement for the MatrixBrute, but these are the things that attracted my attention in the first place. Then there was the incredible 40% to 50% price reduction and it became an obvious choice. (Excess inventory?)
The unit I ordered is currently enroute and will be here soon. I’m making space by removing one keyboard controller and shifting other equipment on my racks. You can expect to hear some early experimentations soon, as I learn the controls and sound design options.