
Original Three Beard is an individual artist/composer currently living in Atlanta, Georgia. He has been working with electronic music since the introduction of the original Apple iPad and Garageband. Prior to that he participated in group drumming with african and middle eastern drums, and before that was a self-taught pianist. His introduction to music was with a transistor radio in the 1960’s, listening to The Beatles and The Rolling Stones on AM radio. That was followed by trumpet and electric bass guitar in high school. All told, music has been a part of life for more than 50 years.

His first synthesizer was a Behringer Model D, and paired with two iPad and software he started creating and producing electronic music. The following pages will provide descriptions of hardware and software that is utilized, and how it is used, to create and produce the final products that you will hear.

Synth Hardware (Under Construction)

Synth Software (Under Consideration)

Other Gear (Under Consideration)

find me on Mastadon: Mastodon